Contact DogSpot in Oceanside
4151 Avenida De La Plata
Oceanside, CA 92056
Hours of Operation
6 AM – 8 PM
8 AM – 5 PM
(Boarding Dogs Only – No Daycare)
10 AM -12 PM Drop-Off and Pick-Up
4 PM – 6 PM Pick-Up Only
DogSpot, 4151 Avenida De La Plata, Oceanside, CA 92056

Driving Directions
DogSpot, 4151 Avenida De La Plata
Oceanside, CA 92056
From Interstate 5 (north or south)
Exit CA-78, heading East (towards Escondido)
Exit College Blvd, turn left, heading north.
Turn left, heading east on College Blvd.
Turn left onto Avenida De La Plata,
Turn left on Avenida Plaza Real,
Then look to your right for the big windows with the big yellow paw prints, that’s us.
New Client Instructions
1) Register for a free DogSpot Owner Account. Link found at the top of this page – Customer Portal Registration
2) Review the DogSpot LLC Daycare – Boarding – Training Agreement (Agreement). Your acknowledged acceptance of the Agreement is required before your dog(s) may join activities at the DogSpot facility
3) Add your Pet(s) information to your Owner Portal
4) Upload two (2) recent photos of your dog(s) – Required *See General Policies – Breed Restrictions
a. Clear close-up frontal-view of dog’s face & head
b. Clear side-view of dog’s body & head
5) Upload file copies of your dog’s Rabies–Distemper–Bordetella Vaccination Records
6) Phone DogSpot to schedule the required DogSpot led Temperament Test (TT) for your dog(s) – Behavioral evaluation
7) Download the PetExec Mobile APP from Apple or Google Play Store
8) Always utilize your Owner Portal for future Service Requests and Scheduling
9) Email DogSpot directly from your Owner Portal
DogSpot General Policies
Adherence to DogSpot General Policies is mandatory, and DogSpot LLC has the right to amend DogSpot General Policies at any time – A copy of the comprehensive list of general rules is available upon request
Confirmed Daycare and Overnight Boarding reservations are required – Same-day bookings are permitted, subject to availability
*Breed Restrictions – DogSpot’s Insurance prohibits Pit Bull and Staffordshire Terrier Breeds, or a predominant mix of either
Drop-off & Pick-up Rules
Boarding Dogs are required to be dropped off for sign-in, before noon on the confirmed boarding start date
Daycare Dogs may be checked-in anytime, as per your confirmed daycare reservation
DogSpot asks that you plan to pick up your dog(s) at least 15 minutes prior to posted closing time, for an easy check-out – Late Pick-up Policies Apply